at a long, wooden table in a long, barbell-shaped apartment in a three-flat on
Chicago’s South Side. She has an impressive collection of scissors, but she
cuts the pieces of her large-scale paper constructions with X-Acto blades.
Sometimes, she works in a closet-sized studio at the back of the apartment,
which overlooks an alley that is frequented by cats, stray and otherwise. At
least one such cat has made its way into the apartment and never left, growing
to a rather alarming size and developing a penchant for moving furniture with
his head. Other times she works in the living room at the other end of the
apartment, making intricate gouache paintings while her husband writes lesson
plans and her son dances.
Her work has been exhibited at Noyes Cultural Arts Center (2005), Las Manos Gallery (2006), the Evanston Art Center (2006 and 2007), Hyde Park Art Center (2007), Artworks in Cincinnati (2008), and the Elmhurst Art Museum (2009).
Stacza will be showing Dregs, along with other work at Gallery 175, located at 175 West Jackson, in downtown Chicago. There will be an opening reception December 2, 2011 from 5-7pm. The show will be up until the end of January.
How many children do you have? Boys? Girls?
One very energetic boy, Albrecht Dode Lipinski.
How old?
3 years, 5 months.
I love asking this question of all interviewees. How much sleep do you generally
get? Are you good about setting
your own reasonable bedtime, or do you carve out downtime, social time,
creative time from sleep?
Now I get between 7 and 8 hours a night. For about the first
18 months of Dode’s life I didn’t get more than 3-4 hours in a row. I do not
compromise a good night’s sleep to work in the studio. I am no good without
Where were you in your career when your son was born?
I have no idea how to measure this. I was mostly showing my
installations in local spaces. I think I will be an “emerging” artist at least
into my sixties.
How much time do you currently devote to creating
work? How are you managing to stay
viable as an artist?
I try to work in my studio every day during Dode’s nap. A
precious hour and a half. Sometimes 2. A recent development is that Dode is
going to preschool so I get to work in my closet sized studio in the back of my
apartment for some serious making.
Mothers often feel as though they are torn between
motherhood and the part of them that misses doing, being or having something
else. Can you speak about this a
I feel that this is the one of the toughest parts of
parenthood. For me, I often think about what I should be doing, making, or
learning to be a better artist while I am playing cars or Thomas the Tank
Engine. I have three years of Art in America to read. I have missed many art
openings. I rarely get to the MCA. I can’t remember names of artists. One thing
that has helped me is knowing artists who have grown children. They are
evidence that everything is temporary and you can have a family and be an
artist. Just not always at the same time.
Has being a mother changed your creative approach or
point of view?
I kind of wish it had changed my approach. Most of my work
is fairly labor intensive and it has been for years. Before Dode I worked about
30 hours or more a week in my studio. Now I work about 6 hours a week if I am
lucky. The scale of my work has gotten smaller, the materials simpler, and my
expectations more realistic.
How do you stimulate Dode's artistic side or love of art?
My philosophy with Dode’s interest in art is to just try to
say, “Yes” anytime Dode asks to paint, use PlayDoh, dance, sing, or tell a
story. I try to have lots of materials available and easily accessible, so we
can make something on the spur of the moment. Sometimes it gets messy, but
everything is washable.
How would you feel about Dode choosing a career in the
Great! I just hope he chooses something that inspires him.
Biggest piece of advice for driven artist moms?
If you are driven, you don’t need my advice.
What a great interview! It's funny but it was when I had my children that my creative side came out again after being shoved aside for years. I think its' so cool that motherhood as just slipped into your life as an artist. I will now have to check out your site! Very impressed that you put sleep first, I need to do that as well! Thank you both for a great read!