
Monday, January 6, 2014

I Am Taking a Bonbon Break, Dammit!

I danced professionally.  I teach dance.  I write a blog.  

I often lament that I didn't show an almost freakish talent and burning passion for something lucrative, like software design or commodities trading, but that's another story altogether.  I work hard at what I do, and I take it very seriously.  Still there are people who equate what I do with sitting around on a cushy chaise lounge wearing a robe and marabou slippers eating expensive chocolates.

And now they would be right.  

Something called Bonbon Break is EXACTLY what's going on in my world.

Bonbon Break is a brand new online magazine and I am an editor!!!!

Bonbon Break is brilliantly divided into the sections of a house: porch, kitchen, family room, bedroom, library, mom cave, attic, playroom and backyard.  The other editors are amazing and the woman who runs the house, Val Curtis?  She is gold. Brilliant and lioness-level tenacious to develop this baby and sit at the helm.  

So where am I?

As the girl who remembers exactly what we did and where we were the first time I met you (go ahead, quiz me?), I'm the Attic. The Attic is a place to reminisce about the moments that define us.  In the attic you'll be treated to memories - bittersweet, miraculous, heartbreaking and hilarious stories that bring our past, present and future lives into conversation.

I'll still be writing regularly at Mom's New Stage, but you'll definitely be seeing a whole lot of me over at Bonbon Break!  

Because as we all know, a bonbon break is something everyone needs very regularly!

Can't wait to meet you over there!!!

You CAN actually meet me tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7 @ 12 noon, CST at Bonbon Break Live on Google+!  I'll be talking about life, dance and motherhood, not necessarily in that order!  It's going to be FAAAAABULOUS! I can't wait to chat!

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